Links to Online Music Resources
Extra Instructional Videos
Join our DISCORD!
We have a discord server for students that want to communicate with other members (former and current) of orchestra for help or advice. This discord is to help build our orchestra teamwork and is a place for students to hang out virtually and play games together. Please limit the discord membership to orchestra students only!

Want to become a part of our student leadership?
apply to join our tri-m music honors society.
Students in the Tri-M honor society are the students that are in charge of helping organizing the things that are happening in orchestra. You will be trained to help run the booth in the theater such as lighting and microphones and you will help present our concerts on stage. During the class day, you will also help make sure our supplies and libraries are organized and in order.
The Tri-M society is a national student honor society just like beta club and NJHS, but specifically for music class. Students will receive recognition throughout the school and get a cord/medal for their participation at the end of the year! Tri-M students must apply for the organization and will be ready to meet as a student group when needed.